Why it is a good idea to install EV charger at home

install EV charger at home

Electric vehicle charging has gained a lot of popularity nowadays thanks to a rapid growth of the EV industry; several models are entering the market, and people are slowly getting more interested in installing an EV charger at home. Let’s see why it is a good idea for EV owners.

1. Installing an EV charger at home means reliable charging

without having to compete with other drivers for public charging stations. You’ll also pay a predictable electricity rate, through your home utility bill, rather than paying rates and surcharges set by the public charger.

And since we don’t want to give you just 1 good reason to install an EV charger at home, we will add 3 more.

2. Pay lower rates

If you know the
meaning of EV charging, you understand that there are different types of EV chargers: level 1, level 2, and level 3. Usually, electric cars come with a level 1 connector, which can be plugged into any standard grounded 120-V outlet.

However, for a better outcome, it is recommended for homes to install level 2 charging stations, which provide faster charging speed compared to level 1, and also, enable the capacity to be monitored from the mobile phone through an app. 

If the EV owner can charge the car overnight, he will be able to save more money in electricity costs, since the charge occurs during off-peak hours, this means the fees for charging the EV will be lower than charging during the day, where there is a higher demand for electricity.

Another way to save on electricity is to use solar panels. EV owners can attach solar panels to the house and direct the energy towards the EV charging station installed, this way, the vehicle will charge thanks to the solar energy stored, and therefore, consume less electricity for charging up the car.

3. Home EV chargers are safer

Keeping your EV at home provides increased safety for both you and your car. Whereas charging the EV in a public station can be time-consuming (depending on the type of charger and the kW available). 

When your electric car is charging in a public location like a parking lot, it is susceptible to risks such as theft or vandalism. By charging your electric vehicle in the convenience of your own home, you can avoid all these potential hazards. Besides, you take better care of the battery in the long term.

4. Boost the value of your property

EV owners can receive a personal benefit when they install charging stations in their houses. At the moment of selling the property, the price would increase the value of the house by around 15 thousand dollars, since the new owner won’t have to invest money for installing an EV charger. 

There is also something interesting about this, the cost of installing an EV charger at home can be easily covered at the moment of selling the house.

Is the home EV charger installation expensive?

The costs of installing an EV charger at home will vary depending on power grids and the type of EV charger to be installed.

Installations that don’t require a lot of changes to be able to set the charging station wouldn’t cost more than $600. However, the most common is that electricians have to carry out several modifications in the power grids for this task, in this case the cost would be around $2,000 or $4,000.

It is also necessary to count on the cost of the EV charger, which price will vary depending on charging speed, size, cord length, wifi features, among others. The prices of these chargers can range from a hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars.

These costs may seem high, but in reality, comparing the maintenance of a gas vehicle to an EV, car owners save a lot of money when it comes to electric vehicles.

If you are looking for an EV charger that could be installed at your home, click on the link below to get in contact with us, and our expert team will guide you through the process.

Do you have questions? Contact Us!

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