Motion sensors and some applications in IoT

motion sensors

Electronic product development companies need to rely on several sensors to build their products and provide different functionalities. For instance, motion sensors have a lot of impact on security situations since they can detect the presence of intruders or sudden changes in the environment. Let’s see its definition, some applications of motion sensors in IoT, and the different types of sensors in the market.

What are motion sensors?

Motion sensors are small, connected devices that are used to detect and measure movement within a specific area. These sensors are very popular and an essential component of the IoT ecosystem (and belong to wider IoT sensors sets). Why? Because they allow the different devices to interact with their surroundings and trigger alerts or perform an action according to changes in motion.

Applications of motion sensors in IoT

Do you know one of the reasons why IoT is important?
Because this technology can integrate sensors and provide useful information to its users. IoT motion sensors can be used in a variety of applications:

For example, an IoT motion sensor might be used in a smart home system to turn on the lights (with the use of smart light bulbs) when someone enters a room, or to trigger an alarm if it detects movement when the house is supposed to be empty. These functionalities are very useful for home energy management, since homeowners can save money on their utility bills.

In healthcare, motion detection can be used to track the movements of patients and alert the doctor or nurse if there are any changes in their activity levels.

In mobility, IoT motion sensors can be used to track the movement of vehicles. At DeepSea Developments we built an Electric Vehicle tracker, and it has been very useful for our customers.

Among IoT devices examples in daily life, we can find smartwatches and fitness bands that use motion sensors that detect when the user is in a certain position (working out, sitting, or sleeping), or when the wrist has a movement to trigger specific features of the IoT device (turn off notifications, or turn on screen).

The different functionalities that can be useful for IoT motion sensor devices depend on the firmware vs software settings, design, electronics, and goal of the product.

Benefits of using IoT motion sensors

One of the main advantages of IoT motion sensors is their ability to send data wirelessly when movement is detected. This motion detection technology can be placed in remote or hard-to-reach locations and still transmit data back to a central hub, cloud server, or app.

Among the benefits of using motion detector devices, we can find:

  • Security improvement by getting alerts when a person approaches a door or window of your house.
  • Show when there is a person in a restricted area of the company or facility.
  • Save energy by controlling the time a light bulb is turned on in a room, outdoor spaces, or office areas.

Types of motion sensors

We won’t expand a lot on this topic in this article, but we can mention some of the most popular motion sensors in the market.

Passive infrared (PIR)

They detect body heat by evaluating temperature changes. This is the most popular type of motion sensor used in home security systems.

Microwave motion sensors (MW)

They measure movement through microwave pulses. This type of motion detection has a longer coverage compared to PIR, however, its price is more expensive.

Dual technology motion sensors

There are motion sensors that combine the best from both technologies mentioned above, that is, PIR and MW features to guarantee an accurate measurement of the surroundings.

Difference between motion sensors and proximity sensors

Some people get confused between these types of sensors. However, they are used for different purposes.

Proximity sensors are designed to detect the presence of objects in close proximity to the sensor, without the need for physical contact. They emit a field or beam of electromagnetic radiation, and detect changes in the field when an object comes within range. On the other hand, motion sensors detect movement within a certain range (for example, in a big room, or outside a building). They continuously monitor the environment for changes in the position or movement of objects, and can be triggered by changes in temperature, sound, or the presence of an object.

Motion sensor IoT projects

motion sensor IoT projects
Motion sensor IoT project

We hope this article helped you to understand the different motion sensor applications in IoT. As you could see, there are a lot of uses in the market.

If you are interested in developing devices that take advantage of motion sensors, you can count on our hardware development service.

Also, we would like to share with you this prototype examples article to help you get some inspiration on what you can do with your project.

Do you have questions? Contact Us!

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